FDA Comment Number : EC845
Submitter : Ms. Kimber Crowe Date & Time: 02/03/2006 05:02:20
Organization : Ms. Kimber Crowe
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I have been using compupnded bio-identical HRT for the last year and it has changed my life drastically for the better. I can keep running my business and feel normal once again. From the research I have read at UCLA library and the contultation I had with 3 MDs as well as the many women I have contacted, I cannot imagine that you would limit the avialability and use of these bio identical hormones compouded especially for me. I meet monthly with my MD phsycian & also have blood drawn monthly & consult with my MD physician to keep tabs on my hormone levels - which are normal and I feel great. i am concerend that the Wyeth petition will limit the ablitly of my MD to keep me on this bioidentical program. Please reject the Wyeth position.
Thank you.