FDA Comment Number : EC810
Submitter : Mrs. Julie Stanny Date & Time: 02/03/2006 05:02:13
Organization : Mrs. Julie Stanny
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Please do not take away our right to use natural substances to replenish things that our bodies need. Pharmaceutical companies have already taken over our medical schools and have trained our doctors to believe that their drugs can fix anything when in reality they are poisoning us on daily basis. Physicians are being trained to send all of their patients away with at least 1 prescription when in most cases the patient would be better off letting their body heal itself. I've read other claims for Wyeth's petition that say that natural remedies have just as many side effects as their drugs. This is complete blasphemy. Natural hormones do not contain substances that impair a person?s fertility or that are known carcinogens. Every drug produced by Wyeth and other pharmaceutical companies have to list their 'known' affects on a person?s fertility and what types of cancer they can cause. What?s scary is that in reality we don?t know what the long-term affects of taking these drugs are. Natural remedies do not have to list their known affects on a person?s fertility and what types of cancer they can cause because they do not have these sort of side effects. Much research has been done that indicates that most women's menopausal and premenstrual symptoms are caused by taking birth control pills or from having been exposed to high levels of estrogen in our food sources. The pharmaceutical companies answer to our 'female' ailments of course was to give us more estrogen, but not a natural form (because they can't patent it). Not only did that not help most women, but it caused many to develop cancer. Research has shown that most women have low levels of progesterone and when those levels are brought back to normal, their PMS and menopausal symptoms lessen or go away. Now the pharmaceutical companies want to take this option away from us because they cannot make money from it. They cannot patent natural substances. In addition, these natural remedies do not cause side effects like pharmaceuticals that usually result in a patient having to take another drug to counteract the affects of the first drug.

Women?s health concerns have been ignored for so long by the medical community. In this case I welcome their absence. Please do not develop any more drugs that will either kill us or leave us the worse for wear. Allow us to take care of ourselves. We?re much better at it than they are.