FDA Comment Number : EC797
Submitter : Dr. Michael Green Date & Time: 02/03/2006 04:02:46
Organization : Michael Green, MD
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
I and some colleagues I know have had patients who have benefited from compounded bio-identical hormone replacement therapy where they had significant side-effects from standard hormone replacement therapy. I fail to see that prohibiting this prescribing by licensed professionals would benefit the public health. I have visited one local compounding pharmacy and was impressed with the quality of the work done and the dedication of the staff to this quality and service. I am deeply concerned about the effort by pharmaceutical companies to use the FDA to limit the practice of medicine by eliminating access to substances not manufactured and/or marketed by them, even when they have been shown to be useful and safe when properly prescribed. Some of these substances have been in use for hundreds or thousands of years as in the case of some Chinese herbal remedies.