FDA Comment Number : EC791
Submitter : Ms. Victoria Brodie Date & Time: 02/03/2006 04:02:32
Organization : Ms. Victoria Brodie
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am appalled at the idea that a natural alternative to a synthetic hormone might be banned. How is it that the drug companies can direct consumer?s choices? I refuse to allow a company whose source of income is directly related to the sickness of people to put me in a no choice position. It is absolutely inconceivable that they are allowed that kind of power. Pharmaceutical companies have no interest in seeing a well and whole community, they make a living on those who consume their synthetic and sometimes dangerous products. The idea of taking away a bio- identical alternative is sending a dangerous and incredibly unethical message to the pharmaceutical companies. If the pharmaceutical companies will not step up to the plate and be socially responsible then we must! We cannot allow this kind of behavior to be the dominant way of thinking and acting. Money is not more important then the well being of ourselves. It is time to take a stand, do not allow the companies that are only out for a profit to take away our choices for alternatives.

Victoria Brodie