FDA Comment Number : EC783
Submitter : Mrs. Christy Woods Date & Time: 02/03/2006 04:02:09
Organization : Mrs. Christy Woods
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Please don't take my bio-identical hormones away!!! Only after menapause and going through a terrible depression, not being able to sleep at night and hot flashes every 45 minutes, and finally getting on bio-identical hormones did I find relief for my symptoms. Not only that, in two years I have not experienced ANY depression, which I have suffered with my entire life! If I cannot take these medications, I know the quality of my life will be reduced to a place I do not want to think about. These hormones have given my life back to me and enable me to function better than I have in my whole life. I do not want to live without them and the thought of going on synthetic hormones frightens me terribly in light of the recent Women's Heath Initiative studies and their links to breast cancer. The pharmacutical companies are not REALLY concerned with my health and wellbeing - what they are concerned with foremost is their bottom line. Please do not put money and profits above the health and wellbeing of thousands/millions of women who benefit from bi-identical hormones.