FDA Comment Number : EC780
Submitter : Mr. Charles Goodwin Date & Time: 02/03/2006 04:02:14
Organization : Mr. Charles Goodwin
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Back in the mid-70's I had a pituitary tumor which was treated with daily radiation treatments for 5 weeks. This caused the desired(by Physicians)drying up of my pituitary gland(which has caused numerous balancing of my natural hormones. Synthroid and similar products never could bring my temperature up to normal levels(I was always 3-4 degrees below normal)til I was able to be subscribed Armour Thyroid which corrected the problem soon after starting. Also my Testosterone levels were impaired(low)and non-bioidentical prescriptions did not seem to help consistently. My current MD, started me on bio-identical hormones and finally my levels have reached normal limits. So to be deprived of these natural replacements would probably place me in danger.