FDA Comment Number : EC764
Submitter : Mrs. Robin Gaddis Date & Time: 02/03/2006 04:02:38
Organization : Mrs. Robin Gaddis
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Hello I am writing to let tell you my story. I had to quit my job as a hairdresser 9 years ago. Why? I couldn't walk for a week and my legs would not carry me. After, prednizone for almost 2 months i finally was able to walk. I could not go back to work. Everyday I went downhill. I went to numerous doctors and was prescribed antidepressants, was told I would just have to live with my condition (fatique, swelling in joints, pms symptons, many other symptoms) was told I have differientiated arthritis (whatever that is) Had a surgery to burn my uterus to try and keep me from slipping into anemia I also had migraines that would not go away. I would literally wake up and take my children to school, come home and sleep another 5 hours after 8 - 10 hours of night sleep and get up put on a smile and fake feeling good to be the mom I needed to be with them. 2 years ago I was prescribed bio identical hormones and within one week I was feeling so much better, after 2 weeks I had energy and was going without naps, after a month I realized I can go back to work as a hairdresser. I have been working now for 2 years and all my symptoms that I mentioned earlier are gone. I now have the energy to tend to my twin 15 year old daughters and 19 year old son. My husband I thank the Lord is a patient husband and stayed with me, many would have left. Our family is a very happy family I believe it is because "Momma's Happy and feeling good"
Please reconsider your goal of taking the bio identical hormones off the market. I feel very safe taking them mainly because I am only given the amount that I need no more or no less.
Thank you Robin Gaddis