FDA Comment Number : EC758
Submitter : Mrs. Debra Warshaw Date & Time: 02/03/2006 04:02:15
Organization : Mrs. Debra Warshaw
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
The erosion of choice in this country is becoming more alarming than I could have even imagined. I have been a user of natural, over-the-counter progesterone cream for over 5 years. Frankly, it?s the best health care decision I?ve ever made. I think the FDA needs to pay close attention when a company like Wyeth needs to create a panic situation.

This is not a situation in which Wyeth is concerned for women?s health and wellbeing. This is Wyeth expressing its knowledge and its deep panic over a safe, effective and non-patentable substance that is cutting into their profits. Remember this is a complaint that comes from a company that did no random, double-blind, testing of Premarin or Prempro. They had over 30 years to do it. It wasn?t until 2000, when the WHI proved their products unsafe. It is the simple aversion and distrust that I have for these unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies that lead me to my own decisions regarding alternative therapies. My doctor is not in disagreement with me as he is aware that many of these remedies, although not tested, are effective.

In conclusion, I want to express my deep concern with which this country, in general, is going. More and more we are pandered to with the illusion of having choices when, in fact, we have none. This is a gross example of Big Business manipulating the market because it can. We are all aware of how the pharmaceutical companies would love to make all nutritional supplements and herbal remedies unavailable to the general public without a prescription. I am not fooled! And I will aggressively educate women in my community on this issue.