FDA Comment Number : EC755
Submitter : Mrs. Carol Lehr Date & Time: 02/03/2006 04:02:02
Organization : Mrs. Carol Lehr
Category : Drug Industry
Issue Areas/Comments
Compounding Pharmacies that compound Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs do not endanger public health. The pharmacists who run these top-notch pharmacies in my town, Denver, CO are brilliant, professional and on the cutting edge of health care.I have been using bio- identical hormones for six years--even after my insurance company refused to pay for them. In fact, my doctor prescribed them to allow me to have a "precise" dosage compounded especially for me....due to endometrial cancer. There is NO "cookbook" approach to drugs. No two women should be taking the same drug. Everyone is different and everyone should have the opportunity to be custom fit to the hormones that are bio- identical to his/her own body. I don't believe in the
"Endanger Public Health" spin that PR people working for big D.C. government agencies like to put on bio-identical drugs or drugs from Canada or drugs from Europe or any other drugs for that matter. American people are not stupid. We know what the score is. We know that holistic health, supplements, chiropractors, and all preventive health measures are taking a big bite out of the drug industry. Almost every pharmaceutical drug on the market has already been "proven" to be unsafe...in fact, all synthetic drugs are unsafe. All of them. However, I do have to give you guys credit...you are persistent in trying to force tax-paying Americans into conforming to your big drug company agenda. When will it be enough? How much money do drug companies have to make? Is there nothing else going on in this country that you have the time to waste on Compounding Pharmacies. Why don't you harass drivers with cell phones? They are more dangerous to me than a dollop of compounded progesterone on my thigh any day of the week. C'mon, competition is good!!
Big drug company monopolies are bad!! Let the consumers run their own lives...
and tell the proponents of 2005P-0411 to get one.