FDA Comment Number : EC730
Submitter : Ms. Sonja Marhefka Date & Time: 02/03/2006 02:02:01
Organization : Ms. Sonja Marhefka
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Women should be given a choice. This "violation" is just a ploy by Wyeth to get back their share of profits that have been taken from them. Knowledge is POWER. This is quite evident as Wyeth puts lots of cash into the FDA coffers. WE have a RIGHT to choose NATURAL ingredients and NOT be forced to subject our bodies to the "man made" junk that has caused so many problems with women's health in the past. Get with the program! Women are not going to allow their bodies to be harmed by these chemically enginered hormones that are deadly. Stop thinking about your bank accounts and start considering the health and welfare of women!