FDA Comment Number : EC725
Submitter : Ms. Karen McIver Date & Time: 02/03/2006 02:02:58
Organization : Ms. Karen McIver
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
In my experience, bio-identical hormones have provided much more benefit than the conterfeit hormones in replacement therapies and birth control pills. The birth controls pills I took previously had side effects far worse than anything I experienced using bio-identical hormones.

Big Pharma handing out millions of free drug samples to physicians across this nation is akin to the lobbyist scandal affecting Congress today. It is nothing more than buying influence.

I insist that the FDA protect me, the consumer, from Big Pharma and allow me to continue choosing the safe alternative to counterfeit hormones...bio-idential hormones. To do anything less is scandalous and a set-back for women everywhere.