FDA Comment Number : EC715
Submitter : Mr. Jimmy King Date & Time: 02/03/2006 02:02:18
Organization : Mr. Jimmy King
Category : Drug Industry
Issue Areas/Comments
This letter is to the FDA in response to Dr. Steven Hotze and those at the Hotze health and wellness center. I will testify that myself Jimmy King have went through testing and have been evaluated and am receiving treatment from Hotze. I have never been to physician?s like the ones there. Hotze and his associated look at all circumstances before treating you, using extensive health history, your problems today and also what kind of life you would like to live as you get older, before treating you.

Now after 3 years of treatment I am in better health.

I have routine blood testing to prove that my health has been improved since being on Bio-Identical hormones.

I know I are doing far better than I would have been doing.