FDA Comment Number : EC714
Submitter : Mrs. Sheila Pickholtz Date & Time: 02/03/2006 02:02:39
Organization : Mrs. Sheila Pickholtz
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Dear Sirs, My life has been possitively impacted by the use of bioidentical hormones. I am now able to sleep through the night after years of insomnia. As a result, I developed fibromyalgia. For a few years, I was in constant pain, had overwhelming tiredness, loss of memory, and many other dibilitating problems. Since I began using these bioidentical hormones, I am able to sleep again, my pain is down considerably and I am functioning like my old self again. Please do not facilitate banning of these hormones, they have allowed me to live a normal life again. It should be our right to decide whether or not we will use these, as we are able to choose if we want to use the other hormones that are produced by the massive drug companies.