FDA Comment Number : EC712
Submitter : Mrs. Ann Brand Date & Time: 02/03/2006 02:02:52
Organization : Mrs. Ann Brand
Category : Federal Government
Issue Areas/Comments
I would like to comment on Docket #2005P-0411. I am writing to you in FAVOR of compounding pharmacies and bio-identical hormones. I take compounded progesterone monthly, and it has changed my life. I have been a patient of my medical doctor for 20 years, and he warned me in the beginning of the negative side effects of Premarin and other synthetic hormone replacement drugs, which have been medically proven to increase the risk of breast cancer, blood clots, and strokes. I was feeling tired, sweating uncontrollably, had very difficult, painful, heavy cramping with my periods and lots of clotting. The use of compounded progesterone has taken all of these symptoms away! Plus, I love the compounding pharmacy. Unlike other pharmacy chains, they do not ever give me the wrong medication, less medication than I had requested, try to give me some generic formula, or overcharge me for their services. My insurance company will not pay for compounded medication, but I will gladly pay the difference in price, because I feel so much better. Our country was built on a system of free enterprise, and I don't appreciate wealthy drug companies trying to snuff out smaller companies which provide much needed services that the large companies are not willing to offer. So much of our society today is consumed by wealth and power. It is no longer enough for some people to make a good living, they want to have it all. This pride and power mentality will lead to the downfall of our nation. It is especially shameful that these greedy companies are willing to use these tactics where people's health is concerned. I am asking that you please allow the American public to continue to purchase and use compounded medications, and not allow the large, wealthy pharmaceutical companies to monopolize the industry.
Ann Brand