FDA Comment Number : EC705
Submitter : Ms. Margaret Wells Date & Time: 02/03/2006 02:02:56
Organization : Ms. Margaret Wells
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am writing to explain why I believe Bio-Identical hormones should continue to be available to the consumer. I have been using Bio-Identical progesterone cream for over a year and have experienced significant improvements in my health. I am a 40-year old woman going through perimenopause and suffered from hot flashes, insomnia and fibrocystic breasts. By using the progesterone cream everyday I have significantly reduced the cysts in my breasts, am sleeping through the night and eliminated the hot flashes. The cream is the only element I have added to my lifestyle to counter these very uncomfortable symptoms. Why is our country so opposed to the use of these natural and safe alternatives to drugs, when medical clinicians in European and Asian countries regularly recommend bio-identical treatments for their patients and have done so for many years?