FDA Comment Number : EC703
Submitter : Mrs. Kerri Ramirez Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:08
Organization : Mrs. Kerri Ramirez
Category : Drug Industry
Issue Areas/Comments
As a 31 year old woman I had so many issues my doctors probably thought I was a hypocondriac. I went to doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist and test galour. Always searching but never finding the answer to my problems.

I began doing research and also talking to my mother who was already on natural bio-identical hormones. I finally went to a doctor who understood exactly what bio-identical hormones can do for a person. It took four months for me to start feeling really great, but I am a different person today. I wish that my regular doctors had known about Bio-Identical hormones 12 years ago, because I would not have had to suffer for so many years.

I can concentrate on business. I have energy. I no longer hurt all over my body, all the time. I?m a better person, wife, mother, business owner today, because there are doctors out there that are standing up and are not being blinded by the pharmecutical companies and are doing research for the betterment of men and women.

Since April of last year I have not had to go to the doctor for any minial issues except for stitches being removed from moles. I have so much time to do other things since I am no longer searching for answers. Natural Bio-Identical hormones were the answer for me.

May God Bless your decision, because if you took the right away from compounding pharmacies to fill Natural Bio-Identical hormones I will go back to having no life and my family and myself and those around me would suffer.