FDA Comment Number : EC699
Submitter : Mr. Alan Siegrist Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:58
Organization : Mr. Alan Siegrist
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I became aware of this opportunity to make comments on this Docket because of a radio appearance by Richard L. Shames M.D., who was apparently promoting his web site http://www.feelingfff.com. This web site provides a direct link to this comment area with no explanation of the true content of the citizen petition on behalf of Wyeth. I am afraid that many of the comments that will be made here by other individual consumers as a result of clicking on this link will be by those who are uninformed or simply misinformed by Dr. Shames.

In order for individual consumers to become more informed of the true content of the Citizen Petition, I would like to make a suggestion that it would be more helpful if this web site would provide direct links to the content of the petition. I had to do a considerable amount of searching to find the original petition which is available at:

I have no particular connection to Wyeth but have been aware of this particular controversy for some time.

I support the petition and merely ask that those who might make comments on the petition take the time to read the text of the petition in its entirety.

Thank you for your time.


Alan Siegrist
Orinda, CA, USA