FDA Comment Number : EC672
Submitter : Mrs. Barbara Brown Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:40
Organization : Mrs. Barbara Brown
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement therapy has been a proven treatment for significant health problems in my life and the lives of thousands of others. With a physicians prescription, qualified professional pharmacists are thankfully engaged in supplying these hormones to those in need. In is unconscionable to think that lobbyists for the pharmaceutical companies can invade this procedure. Their motive is obviously monetary. Disrupting this safe and effective procedure would clearly create more unhealthy people for our already compromised health care delivery system. The current system regarding availability of bio-identical hormones provides a safe, affordable, compassionate method for many in need to receive preventive and remedial health care. The benefits are well documented. This component of health care delivery is a necessary arm of essential basic health care. Health care is already struggling to find answers for the many who slip through the cracks; both due to lack of affordable insurance, and the need to provide solutions for serious diseases. That problem would be compounded by eliminating something that does work, i.e. the availability of bio-identical hormones prescribed by physicians and supplied by professional pharmacists. Changing the system would in some cases be life threatening, in others, life would have no quality.