FDA Comment Number : EC670
Submitter : Ms. Ann Phelps Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:13
Organization : Ms. Ann Phelps
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
On the issues of Bio-identical hormones...

My name is Ann and I am 31. I had early hormonal imbalance and among hot flashes, headaches, cramps that prevented me to work, irregular bleeding, vision problems, miscarrages, the loss of my daughters twin, ect....that no doctor could help with. At 29 I began bleeding to death. The doctor gave me Prempro and some other pills to take. I had learn about hormones during my own research to find help and found a website called http://www.johnleemd.com and learned I had other, healthier options. I asked the doctor and he refused to look at a more natural alternative. Seven days later I returned and they said I needed a blood transfusion. I refused and demanded someone help me. A doctor agreed to ween me from the pills onto a bio identical hormone called progesterone. Within a few weeks I was without the headaches, cramps, and bleeding. I have remained on this product at a low dose and feel better than I did at 15. I also noticed my asthma and allergies have disappeared.

Please do not allow them to stop the sale of this in its most natural form. When these companies change the structure to have it trade marked, they kill us. Please think of your mothers and sisters and their problems. What if we could give them all the help that I recieved? Wouldn't it be worth it? Far more worth it than any money in the world? Please help.