FDA Comment Number : EC665
Submitter : Mrs. Elsie Koch Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:15
Organization : Mrs. Elsie Koch
Category : Drug Industry
Issue Areas/Comments
I use the bio-identical hormones and they have made a great difference in my life. I no longer experience the hot flashes, sleepness nights. I have more energy since taking the Armour thyroid. My OB-GYN took me off all thyroid for 30 days and then put me on .5 Synthroid for another 30 days. After gaining 10 pounds in those 2 months, I am now back on Armour thyroid and feeling great again. I will never go off Armour thyroid again. My life is back to normal since folowing Dr. Hotze's program and I plan to stay on it for life.