FDA Comment Number : EC664
Submitter : Mrs. angie blackmon Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:50
Organization : individual consumer
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
To the FDA,

I hope and pray that you DO NOT take my bio-identical hormones off the market! Years before I started taking them I was in horriable shape. I'm not one to complain or to take chemical drugs. I'm a naturalist and won't ever take a chemcial drugs!!!!! So you would never have me as a customer!!!! I would never ever take premarin or any other chemical based drug! I will only take natural medications. So if you take my Bio- Identical Hormones off the market, you won't be gaining anything! I'm sure that all of the women that are taking Bio-Identical Hormones feel the same, because we have all taken premarin, or know someone that has. We know it doesn't work!!! I also would never take anything that is made of horse urine! That's a waist product and should be disposed of! Not taken into our bodies. Before I went to Dr. Hotz and started on my Bio- Identical Hormones I was a wreck and my family couldn't stand to be around me. I as a mental and basket case. I don't want to go back to those days for anything!!! We are paying big money for our Bio-Identical Hormones that ARE NOT Covered by insurance companies. If it was a money thing, we would be using chemical based druges so the insurances companies could pay and benefit. I would DIE before I go back to using such medication!!! You are about to open a huge can of worms if you proceed to take away the Bio-Idential Hormones! Women all over the country would be zombies and there would be so many more DIVORCES in this country also! What ever happened to this country being the "Land of the Free". This would not be considered FREE! This would be considered Controlled!!!!!!! Please, Stop and consider all of us using Bio-Identical Hormones and how we all feel. I'm a very productive person now days. Before I was very unproductive. I would sit around watching T.V. or something very unproductive. I wouldn't get dressed for the day and sometimes even go back to bed after the kids and my husband was off to school and work for the day. This past 6 years that I have been on Bio-Identical Hormones have been truly the best years of my life! My husband is happy and my kids are very happy with their MOM. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO CHOOSE MY PATH OF MEDICAL TREATMENT!!! I DON'T WANT TO WASTE MY LIFE!!! I HAVE SO MUCH TO OFFER IN THIS WORLD AND I WANT TO LIVE IT IN GOOD HEALTH AND MAKE MY MARK IN THIS WORLD!!!

Thanks for reading my commits!
angie blackmon
damon, texas, 77430