FDA Comment Number : EC662
Submitter : Ms. Bette Niemi Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:55
Organization : Ms. Bette Niemi
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am a 54 year old , well educated female. I have chosen to use bio-identical hormones. I am healthier than I have ever been. I am appalled that Wyeth Pharmaceutical has the audacity to file a complaint with the FDA concerning bio-identical hormone treatment. Wyeth products Premarin and Prempro endangered the health of millions of women for many years. As a result of the Women's Health Initiative, women are now aware of the risks associated with those products. I have elected to be treated with bio-identical hormones because I believe it is a safe and effective alternative to the counterfeit hormones manufactured by companies such as Wyeth. I respectfully request the FDA dismiss the Wyeth Complaint.