FDA Comment Number : EC660
Submitter : Dr. Kathleen Lewis Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:41
Organization : Kathleen E Lewis MD Inc
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
Regarding Wyeth's "Citizen Complaint" against bio-identical hormones: I am extremely opposed to the position Wyeth is taking. I speak both as an individual consumer and as a medical doctor; I have had very positive personal experience using bio-identical hormones. My fibrocystic breast lesions shrink dramatically when I use bioidentical hormones, they reappear with a Premarin challenge, and disappear again with bio-identical hormones. Many of my patients and many acquaintances have also had positive experiences. Taking choice away from health consumers is not a way to win friends and influence people. Many women continue to prefer and use Premarin, as is their right. Wyeth and the FDA should extend that same right of choice to women who prefer other products. If Wyeth succeeds in stifling their competition the public will lose, and Wyeth will never regain the lucre from Premarin, et al they once had. No one can force a patient to use a drug they don't want, and their purchasing options are no longer limited to United States sources.