FDA Comment Number : EC655
Submitter : Mrs. Heidi O'Neill Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:16
Organization : Mrs. Heidi O'Neill
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I would like to file my complaint against the banning of bio-identical hormones. This is my own personal story. I took conventional birth control pills from 1988-2004. No one told me they were not good for me and my doctor was happy to prescribe them year after year. In 2004 my life came to a crashing end- not all at once but gradually. I had lost my job and I was seeing a psychiatrist once a week and on heavy doses of anti-depressants. I had been a very successful woman up to this point in my life. I had seen no less than 10 different doctors for my ailments - all of which told me there was nothing wrong with me other than I needed to relax and exercise more. My symptoms were: extreme and chronic headaches (I had a supply of Tylenol in my purse, car, and medicine cabinet and popped them like candy), coldness in my extremities, unable to sleep at night (woke up every 15 minutes w/numb extremities), 40 pounds of weight gain, constant fatigue, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, loss of all libido, depression to the point of wanting to end my life, hair loss, and problems with digestion, dry eyes (no longer able to wear my contacts). In addition, I was sick with colds often. Truly- the American medical profession had failed me! I was fortunate to be flying on Southwest Airlines on a trip to San Diego, my new husband thought would cheer me up- when I read an article from the Hotze Health Clinic on bio-identical hormones. It was my saving grace! Within a month I was on a plane to Texas and spent a day going through testing.

I can clearly say my life changed that day. I now am successfully running my own business, am off all of the anti-depressants and no longer see psychologists, can sleep all night, am warm, no longer have headaches, lost weight, and my digestion is back to normal. I haven't had a cold since beginning treatment in August of 2004. The thought of going back to my original condition is unconscionable. Please do not ban the one and only thing that helped me!