FDA Comment Number : EC644
Submitter : Mrs. Connie Fisher Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:31
Organization : Mrs. Connie Fisher
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Dear FDA,

It is outrageous for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals to file a Citizens Complaint against bio-identical hormones. Not only did Premarin products NOT help me when I needed them, but their incompetence may actually have done harm.

What Premarin products could not do for me in five years, bio-identical hormones began to accomplish in only two weeks. After four years on bio-identical hormones, with regular checkups monitoring my progress, they have received an A+. This is the story of countless numbers of my friends and acquaintances.

Has Wyeth Pharmaceuticals become so accustomed to making decisions motivated by avarice and succeeded with their strong arm tactics for so long, they dont even pretend to check the facts or the studies any longer? Their behavior is calculating, vindictive and quite revealing.

I am requesting the FDA no long foster these kinds of deceitful practices by dismissing Wyeths shameful complaint against bio-identical hormones. An occasional repremand for such behavior just might help restore public trust, eventually.

Connie Fisher