FDA Comment Number : EC637
Submitter : Mrs. Michelle Winney Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:57
Organization : Mrs. Michelle Winney
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Bio-identical hormones have done for me what synthetic hormones and surgery have not been able to - give me relief from the pain of uterine fibroids and severe endometriosis. My surgeon told me my only option was repeated surgeries to clear the endometriosis but she highly recommended a hysterectomy. The bio-identical hormone, progesterone, that I am taking now, has given me relief from the pain and clotting I have been experiencing since I was 16 years old...I'm now 46. If these hormones are taken away, I will have to resort to surgery because the side effects of synthetic hormones are just too dangerous and are not an option for me. Bio-identical hormones are the only way for me to avoid surgery and live pain free until menopause. Then I will choose bio-identical estrogen but NEVER will I choose to take a synthetic. The FDA must act to protect the American public from dangerous drugs such as Premarin. There is no other option.