FDA Comment Number : EC636
Submitter : Ms. Jimanne Vague Date & Time: 02/03/2006 12:02:33
Organization : Ms. Jimanne Vague
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
To Who Really Cares:
For ten years I used synthetic hormones in the form of Alora patches - the lowest dosage available and even cut them in half!
After two years I began to have cysts appear in both breasts. Not only did I have to have mammograms every year, but also sonograms. Each time they would find a new lump I would go through torment waiting for the results. After ten years, both breasts were full of cysts.
I began a balanced regime of bio-identical hormones in January of 2004 prescribed through Hotze Health and Wellness Center in Houston. In 18 months all but two of the largest cysts (originally the size of walnuts) had disappeared. The other two were shrinking in size.
Please do not take away my right to have access to bio-identical hormones. I have the mammograms and sonograms to prove what synthetic hormones did to my body. I'll bring them and testify before any committee or interested party.
I still live in the Land of the Free, at least the last time I checked.
Jimanne Hallcom Vague