FDA Comment Number : EC620
Submitter : Mrs. Judy Goshy Date & Time: 02/03/2006 11:02:43
Organization : Mrs. Judy Goshy
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I don't understand why my old ob/gyn is against the bio-identicals and he certainly can't give me a good reason other than they are not regulated. However, he has given me compounded testosterone for years, but he tells me that estrogen and progesterone cannot be compounded safely. What I do know and what I told him is that I FEEL BETTER. Everything is better; my moods, my sleep patterns, my stamina, no tiredness, and my clothes fit better. I feel like I am taking something that is fit for me, not a 'one size fits all' pill. We need bio-identicals and we need the pharmacy industry to participate in this.