FDA Comment Number : EC618
Submitter : Mrs. Deborah Strube Date & Time: 02/03/2006 11:02:54
Organization : Mrs. Deborah Strube
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
As a consumer of thyroid replacement , I have found the natural thyroid replacement to be much more effective in treating my symptoms from Hypothyroid. I oppose large pharmaceutical companies pressuring the FDA to make decisions based upon their clout even if it disregards the true health and well being of the individual. The natural treatment of hypothyroidism is desiccated thyroid (USP). Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs do not Endanger Public Health rather, the opposite. While using synthetic hormone replacement, my symptoms were more severe. I appeal to you to remain objective and to resist the pressures which the bemouth pharmaceutical companys place upon you. Ive also used natureal progesterone topically with very positive results. Thank you for your attention.