FDA Comment Number : EC605
Submitter : Ms. Cindy Rahal Date & Time: 02/03/2006 11:02:49
Organization : Ms. Cindy Rahal
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Our right to take bioidentical hormones must be protected. The thought that a drug company would suggest that taking natural, bioidentical hormones endangers a woman's health is disturbing. Wyeth is the one who has endangered women's health for years by chemically altering the substances that nature gives us. It's all about protecting their profits, and we shouldn't stand for that. Taking bioidentical hormones has given me my life back. I'm healthy, happy, and energetic again because of bioidentical hormones and the wonderful medicine practiced by Dr. Hotze and his associates at their clinic. The thought that Wyeth is trying to take away my right to continue my regimen of bioidentical hormone replacement is absurd and unacceptable to me. I pay taxes so my government will protect my rights and protect me from such nonsense. The thought that the only treatment choice I would have would be to take synthetic hormones made by a drug company only interested in protecting their profits is really scary to me. We still live in America, don't we? Please don't make the people of this country question the motives of our lawmakers by taking away such a basic right. Thank you.