FDA Comment Number : EC599
Submitter : Mrs. Sharon Devlin Date & Time: 02/03/2006 11:02:37
Organization : Mrs. Sharon Devlin
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Please do not take bioidentical hormone replacement from those of us who require it in order to live quality lives. As a menopausal woman of 59 years of age it makes all the difference in the world. I discontinued Prempro after the report on the WHI study, fearing that it increased my chances of breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke (which caused my mother's death after being in a two-year vegetative state.) During the three years after discontinuing Prempro I experienced terrible hot flashes and was unable to sleep more than two or three hours each night. I believe that I'd rather die than suffer like that again. Bioidentical hormone replacement is the safest, most effective treatment for these conditions. Sharon Devlin