FDA Comment Number : EC577
Submitter : Mrs. Lynda Riffle Date & Time: 02/03/2006 11:02:12
Organization : Mrs. Lynda Riffle
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am writing to protest the complaint filed by Wyeth Laboratories regarding compounding pharmacies manufacturing bio-identical hormones. I use bio-identical progesterone and have spent inumerable hours researching the effects of bio-identical hormones vs synthetic, those which Wyeth laboratories produces. The women's health initiative provides plenty of evidence of the dangers of the synthetic hormones premarin and provera, especially as they relate to blood clots, strokes, and breast cancer.

There are millions of women who have chosen not to support the pharmaceutical companies synthetic hormones. I believe there will be a larger than "million women" march on Washington should there be any indication that the FDA will be restricting the availability of bio-identical hormones.