FDA Comment Number : EC571
Submitter : Ms. Julie Castaneda Date & Time: 02/03/2006 11:02:28
Organization : Ms. Julie Castaneda
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I became disgusted but not shocked when I learned that the drug company Wyeth and possibly the FDA is seeking to block women's over the counter access to natural hormone balancing creams. When will women's health take precedence over money? 'Seeking FDA Actions to counter Flagran Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs that Endanger Public Health' - that's rich! Few things have endangered public health more than the synthetic hormones that have been given to women for decades, all while knowing full well the gruesome health risks of synthetic hormone replacement therapy! Now that women are waking up to those dangers and seeking alternatives, the poor little drug companies have lost their cash cow. Now they want to 'protect' us from compounding pharmacies and bio-identical hormone replacement. I'm touched! However, I know of countless women who have benefitted from natural progesterone. And as a matter of fact, they all consulted with their physicians and did their own research. This is the 'land of the free,' right? Is it not our right to make our own decisions, rather than blindly accept prescriptions from those without our best interests at heart? Who has a greater vested interest in your health that you do? I could share countless horror stories of women who have used artificial hormone therapy and paid dearly. Unfortunately, one of those is my mother. My maternal great grandmother enjoyed a long life of 94 years. My maternal grandmother lived to age 92. A long healthy life was not to be for my mother. She is now suffering from dementia so cruel it has ripped our hearts out and eliminated her quality of life. After much research into their health backgrounds, we determined that the only difference was that my mother took (synthetic) hormone replacement therapy for years. A beautiful, vibrant woman who was the most generous person I have ever known and was a nurse who devoted her life to caring for others, became an unresponsive empty shell before age 70!!!!! I am praying that there is someone there with humanity and a heart. Surely there is someone listening who can see beyond the money trail and double-talk. Do you love freedom? Do you truly love your mother, sister, and the females you know? Show it by preserving our RIGHT to alternatives!