FDA Comment Number : EC568
Submitter : Ms. Linda Dietz Date & Time: 02/03/2006 11:02:31
Organization : Ms. Linda Dietz
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Dear Sir or Madam,

I have safely used bio-identical hormones for over 5 years now and attribute them to helping me stay balanced, productive and more effective as a woman.
I attribute my improved mood, attitude and well-being to them.
I am very much opposed to the idea of being forced to use substances that I have researched and found too much 'risk' in their use. Premarin is made from mare's urine which is fine for a horse but not for my body- thank you very much.

It time you folks started coping to the fact that WE, the people have the right to make our own intelligent decisions about our own bodies that that we want Choice. Bottom line - Bio-identical hormones are the best choice for me and I want it to stay that way. Do the research folks. I have. Endangerment of Public Health is NOT from the bio-identical hormones I take. Greed in the pharmaceutical industry that puts profits over health is. Thank you!