FDA Comment Number : EC567
Submitter : Mr. Ronald Hudson Date & Time: 02/03/2006 11:02:06
Organization : Mr. Ronald Hudson
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I wish to express my strong opposition to the proposal from Wyeth to the FDA to ban compound pharmacies by federal regulation.

First, this is a States Rights issue and is not the function of a governmental bookrack.
Second Wyeth pays the FDA money for approving their drugs. This is a conflict of interest in my mind. The suspected motivation is to put compounding pharmacies and the doctors that subscribe to using bio-identical hormones out of business. This is a money issue for the drug companies and damages the opportunity for citizens to obtain the medical assistance of their choice.
Big government does not have any business making such regulations.
Further, there is no evidence that such compounding pharmacies and or there bio identical hormones are hazardous to the patients health or wellness. On the contrary, there is much anecdotal evidence that such treatment has improved individuals health after treatment using commonly prescribed drugs have failed or worse created adverse side effects.


Ronald E. Hudson
20650 Castle Bend Dr
Katy, Texas 77450