1978N-0065 Skin Bleaching Drug Products
FDA Comment Number : EC542
Submitter : Dr. Robin Septon Date & Time: 12/28/2006 08:12:49
Organization : Dr. Robin Septon
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
Hydroquinone is one of the most effective molecules for the treatment of dark discoloration over the past 40-50 years and has been used in millions of people. It is used to treat the top concerns among our patients including melasma, photo-aging, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, medically and cosmetic disfiguring dyschromias.
Since 1961, hydroquinone has demonstrated a safe and effect profile among clinicians prescribing or recommending hydroquinone products. In spite of humans exposure to natural sources of hydroquinone in wheat, pears, berries, coffee, tea, onions, rice and red wine, there is not an association with carcinogenicity. There have been no reported cases of related malignancies in more than 50 years of manufacture and use of HQ.
I have many patients whose lives were so adversely affected by dark spots on their faces, especially. This product makes such a positive impact on their psychosocial being. It would be distastrous to remove such a safe and effective drug from the market.