1978N-0065 Skin Bleaching Drug Products
FDA Comment Number : EC534
Submitter : Mrs. kathleen Howells Date & Time: 12/27/2006 08:12:54
Organization : Mrs. kathleen Howells
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
To Whom it May Concern,
It is my understanding that you are considering restricting the sale of products containing Hydroquinone. I would ask that you reconsider that. I have been using a brand of skin care that contains skin bleaching due to a case of hyper pigmatism. These products have completely changed my complexion and my confidence. I don't exactly know why the FDA is considering removing these products from over-the-counter use but my results from using skin bleaching products has been remarkable. I am very happy with my skin's appearance since using these products and would be extremely unhappy if they would no longer be available to me. I have had no adverse reaction to using these products and would ask that instead of removing the products for over-the-counter use all together, you consider putting a caution or warning on the product instead. Thank you.