2006D-0383 Characterization and Qualification of Cell Substrates and Other Biological Starting Materials Used in the Production of Viral Vaccines for the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
FDA Comment Number : EC4398
Submitter : Mrs. mollie bowman Date & Time: 12/27/2006 09:12:51
Organization : Nevada Care Medical Center
Category : Health Professional
Issue Areas/Comments
I appreciate that you are finally taking a look at the reality that some of the required vaccines are grown on aborted children. My daughter brought the little known info to me when pregnant. Since we have a strong objection to protecting her children by killing others,this leaves no choise but having her children unprotectd. Merck tries to imply that only 1 child was lost but it took several deaths to find the infected lungs and any informed individual knows the cell line can not be perpetual as they claim. I am a patient care coordinator at a medical office that performs INS physical. Many of the patient are strongly against abortion. We special ordered the separate vaccines so they could claim a moral objection to the bad ones. INS (now Homeland Security)agents informed some patients that they would have to pay $365 to to take the objection. Others stated they could take no such objection and required the MMR shot be given, thus repeating the measles and mumps they had received. Since there are ethical vaccines in use in the UK for rubella and Hep A, It is more that unjust to require citizens to go without or use unethical lines. And LEGAL aliens have little choice but to comply to be admitted to this country even on a work permit.