2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1922
Submitter : Mrs. Claire Marcus Date & Time: 02/13/2006 04:02:34
Organization : Mrs. Claire Marcus
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Bio-identical hormone replacement is the only safe alternative to synthetic hormones formulated and patented by the drug companies. Do not deprive women of a choice to take care of their own health instead of relying on doctors and pharmaceutical companies whose only interest is profit. Women who are educated on the dangers of synthetic hormones will no longer choose dangerous drugs but will choose natural hormones that have been proven safe, without all the side effects of prescription drugs. It is about time that healthcare workers listen to the consumer. Our bodies and our environment have already been polluted by tens of thousands of chemicals excreted in our water and in the air. More and more exotic and strange diseases are plaguing us-no cures found, and poor health for the rest of our lives is the result, which of course is a boon for the drug companies who are only too eager to continue selling us pain killers and other drugs, to their profit. Enough is enough. Let us take care of ourselves, with the help of organic foods and natural herbs and substances that will not harm us, and allow us to live longer lives in good health.