2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1920
Submitter : Mrs. Kathleen Wald Date & Time: 02/13/2006 04:02:32
Organization : Mrs. Kathleen Wald
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Bioidentical HRT has given me significant relief from menopausal symptoms. Alternatives to traditional HRT are extraordinarily important to the health and well being of millions of women. Traditional HRTs such as Prempro and Premarin are simply not an option for me, personally. I would not take them under any circumstances. Their side effects are in no way worth the risk. While the symptoms of menopause can be emotionally crippling as well as physically taxing, the synthetic options provided by Wyeth and others like them, are simply not the answer for more and more women.

Personally, I have six friends who tried Prempro and Premarin because they did not question their doctors' advice. Every one of the six women had serious side effects they directly blame on the HRT. While I admit this is an unusually high side effect ratio, it has nonetheless received much attention. These side effects include cancers and a heart attack. These were otherwise, healthy, non-smoking, non-drinking women with no family history of these diseases. You tell me.

More and more, the suburbanites are educating themselves, doing their own research and questioning their doctors traditional wisdom when it comes to HRT and menopause. They are seeking their own more natural, reasonable and safe alternatives for menopausal symptoms that, at times, stop them dead in their tracks.

The silent surge of women refusing Wyeth's Prempro and Premarin is staggering. Get your collective heads out of the cubicle. There is a reason Wyeth's profits have been drastically diminished. If bioidentical therapies are taken off the market it would be a mistake of epic proportions. And it will not help Wyeth's bottom line. Because let's face it, if their products worked and worked well with little or mild side effects, we'd ALL be taking them.

Their products are not worth the risk and the word is out.