2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1915
Submitter : Mrs. Lisa Wivo Date & Time: 02/13/2006 04:02:41
Organization : Mrs. Lisa Wivo
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I oppose the petition by Wyeth Pharm. Compounded bioidentical hormone therapy has completely elivated my symptoms, and it is monitored by my doctor by blood tests every six months. Until there is some proof that rubbing a cream made of yams into one's skin is dangerous to the public, then I don't believe anyone has the right to stop people from doing so. The compounding pharmacy measures and creates a cream according to the prescribed amount by my doctor which is determined by a blood test of my hormone levels. God has created many healing herbs and plant life on this earth and I don't understand why the government, the FDA or pharmaceutical companies don't spend money to research natural remedies for medical conditions instead of bombarding the public with synthetic concoctions that are unnatural for the human body to process and every sythetic drug on the planet all have side effects that harm the body. If herbs can be sold in stores all across the country, how can you prevent a pharmacy from creating a cream made of yams or take soy products off the market?