2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1826
Submitter : Ms. Elaine Wiggins Date & Time: 02/13/2006 03:02:31
Organization : Ms. Elaine Wiggins
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Bioidentical hormones, including estrogen (estradiol, estrone, estriol), progesterone, and testosterone, should be a legal choice for every woman who wants to use them. They are just as safe and effective as the synthetic hormones on the market (show me a case where a woman has died or gotten cancer from them who wouldn't have had the same thing happen on synthetic hormones). Thousands of women use them with great success.
In my case, I had a complete hysterectomy six months ago and started on Estratest. After 11 weeks of severe headaches, chest pain, and abdominal pain on both full strength and half strength, I made the switch to Treist and natural progesterone with a doctors approval and monitoring. The abdominal pain has lessened as well as the headaches, the chest pain is gone, and I feel better on them than on the Estratest. I know exactly what I am getting, work closely with my compounding pharmacist, and feel better knowing I had this choice. I refuse to go back to synthetic hrt simply because my body will not accept it and the side effects are too much for me to deal with. If I lose access to bioidentical hormones, this would be a huge blow to my wellbeing. Remember the oath that doctors must take? "First do no harm?" That applies to my situation also. Please reconsider before taking away my choice to use a hormone replacement that gives my body what it needs!