2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1814
Submitter : Ms. maureen friedman Date & Time: 02/13/2006 02:02:13
Organization : Ms. maureen friedman
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I just started about 3 months ago using the ONLY choice of treatment for myself as I journey through my menopause with the use of bio-dentical hormone treatment as the ONLY choice I would make..I am 53 years old and ALL of my women friends are using a compounding pharmacy and taking natural hormones because we believe this to be the wisest choice of help. We deserve to be able to have this choice and not be limited to have to use the synthetics, like premarin, prepro etc... we as women have the right and choice to be able to use these bio-identical hormones based on the information we have been given and none of us would EVER buy another synthetic hormone again... too bad about the loss of money or revenue for a company... maybe they should for once consider what is a healthier choice and let us make our own decisions .. They have no right to take that privelege away from us.... maybe if more of the doctors would truly care about their patients instead of the almighty dollar, then this would never have come up or be an issue..... this insane theory of doing away with bio-identical hormone therapy as well as the compounding pharmacies is ludicrous and shows that all they care about is the revenue... is that what a pitiful state this country is in ?.... thanks for listening and hopefully can make a difference as the use and free choice to use bio-identical hormones must continue to be our choice... MF