2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1739
Submitter : Ms. barbara glazer Date & Time: 02/13/2006 02:02:41
Organization : Ms. barbara glazer
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Due to unfortunate circumstances surrounding a medical error, I entered menopause around the age of 40. My doctor prescribed bioidentical hormones and it has completely changed my life and view of life. I watched my Mother go through surgical menopause when she was my age and the subsequent dramatic change in her ability to function, personality, etc. where startling yet at the age of 20 - you just shrug it off and think less than kind thoughts about your Mom. Now that I've experienced some of these changes, I have much more empathy and understanding for what it feels like. Bioidentical hormones have given me back my ability to think - how profoundly estrogen affects cognitive function and concentration is staggering to me still. Bioidentical hormones work - their safety is not in question. My own Mother has regained bone density during the past 7 years on bioidenticals but during the 7 on synthetic lost bone density. If I didn't have my Mother's experience to contrast the two types of hormones, I wouldn't exactly be qualified to make a comment in this regard but I have seen it firsthand. The thought of not having access to bioidentical hormones is something I don't even want to fathom. If the statistic is true that by 2050, over 1/3 of the population will be over the age of 65 - does anybody really want to risk having synthetic hormones as being the only ones available? I mean come on, that could leave potentially 1/3 of everybody demented and unable to think - who's going to be able to take care of all those people? Relying on synthetic hormones without the additional option of bioidentical hormones could cripple our society. May God give you wisdom and thank you for your consideration of my concerns.