2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1687
Submitter : Ms. Vicki Dykes Date & Time: 02/13/2006 01:02:08
Organization : Ms. Vicki Dykes
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
DO NOT TAKE MY BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES AWAY FROM ME!!!! I have grown weary of the greed & selfishness of many industries in this country. I am also sick of the health of women being viewed as second to men in this country. We would not even be having this discussion if the only bio-identical hormone patients were men taking them to cure erectile dysfunction. I tried the pregnant horse urine hormones several years ago. Not only do I consider the manufacture of synthetic hormones a form of animal cruelty, I swelled up like a blowfish and was miserable. The only relief I found from the horrors of menopause has been bio-identical hormones. I cannot function without them. Prior to taking the bio-idential hormones, I had hot flashes every 45 minutes all day long, couldn't sleep, had horrible night sweats, couldn't concentrate & just knew I was having what I think used to be called a nervous breakdown. To remove bio-identical hormones from the market would be cruel & unjust punishment for millions of women. For once, please let women win this battle. I CANNOT function without them and refuse to take synthetic hormones. My sister took them for a year and had to have a biopsy on calcifications found in her breast. She stayed off synthetic hormones for a year and had a clear mammogram. She went back on synthetic hormones for another year resulting in a second questionable mammogram and a second biopsy. Synthetic hormones are DANGEROUS. Biologically identical hormones are the ONLY answer to healthy, happy menopausal women.