2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1619
Submitter : Mrs. Kathy Bates Date & Time: 02/13/2006 12:02:38
Organization : Mrs. Kathy Bates
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I don't think there's anything I can say that could possibly compete with the financial contributions of the drug manufacturers to their own cause through many branches of a government that has come to be "for sale". As the primary agency who's purpose is to protect the consumer I need to say that you have failed miserably in your purpose. You should hang you head in shame. If you doubt my accusations look at your track record. How many drugs have been pulled from the market after creating untold damage on human lives because it makes more fiscal sense to pay off claimants than to prevent that opportunity from occuring. You have failed to protect the consumer from the dangerouse profit-driven motives of the drug lords. YOU ARE PART AND PARTY TO THESE ACTIONS. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

Beyond your shame you should know that should you take action against these harmless and yet vital supplements of bio-identical hormones in a likely effort to create a market for your drug-pushing buddies to eventually present another line of hormone replacement drugs with equal and possibly more disastrouse effects than the last ones. Again, SHAME ON YOU FOR YOUR FAILURE HERE...you will only assure that these bio-identical hormones likely become an underground market. The people whose lives are positively supported by these and other natural remedies are not your normal red-blooded Americans. WE are people who feel so strongly about what we're doing that we're willing to be imprisoned and even die for the cause. If these products go underground you will be faced with all the logical results.

Each time these issues come forward, you have an opportunity to do the right thing. Hopefully, this time, you will choose to do what's right for the patient and not consider your allegiance with the drug companies. It's my understanding that we still live in "free enterprise". If the drug companies have a good product it is therefore free to compete on the open market. If not, then so be it but please stop trying to lord over the consumer. Give us the freedom to choose our own healthcare choices.

I hope I've said something that will prick your conscience or at least give you logical thoughts to consider.

Kathy Bates
Austin, Texas