2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC1545
Submitter : Ms. Loriann Linek Date & Time: 02/13/2006 11:02:16
Organization : Ms. Loriann Linek
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
As a woman who has suffered the horribly negative repercussions of synthetic hormonal treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome, I am shocked and angered to be faced with the possibility the bio-identical hormones which have alleviated my symptoms and suffering could be taken from me. My quality of life now is incomparably better to how it was in the past due simply to bio-identical HRT. Please consider the root of Wyeth's fear - greed. They are losing money, plain and simple. Please do NOT let millions of women suffer needlessly because one company's profits are declining. If their product wasn't crap in the first place, they wouldn't feel threatened by bio-identical products and the compounding pharmacies which produce them.