FDA Comment Number : EC1525
Submitter : Ms. Joey Tamer Date & Time: 02/13/2006 11:02:29
Organization : Ms. Joey Tamer
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I urge the FDA to reject Wyeth's petition Docket 2005P-0411. Bio-identical hormones are a great relief to my menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, nightmares, and mood swings. Hormone replacement therapies that are not bio-identical do not work well, as they cannot be easily adjusted for dose and delivery mechanism (oral, cream, sublingual drops, etc.) to achieve the highest relief of these symptoms. I have been taking bio-identical hormones (BHRT)since 2001. My physician prescribes them and my pharmacist prepares them. As a team, we experiment with dosage and delivery mechanisms to design the best treatment to promote my health. Thank you.