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Performance Partnership Grants

One of the principal mechanisms for building more effective State-EPA partnerships and improving environmental conditions is EPA's authority to award Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs). Under the PPG authority, States can now combine up to sixteen individual environmental program grants into a single PPG. (Note: Tribal agencies are also eligible to receive PPGs.)

Under a PPG, States can achieve cost and administrative savings through reductions in paperwork and simplified accounting requirements. In addition, States can negotiate work plans with EPA that direct Federal funds where they are needed most to address environmental and public health problems. States can also try new multi-media approaches and initiatives -- such as children's health protection programs, multi-media inspections, compliance assistance programs, and ecosystem management -- that were difficult to fund under traditional categorical grants.

The newly revised Part 35 rule, State Grants--including PPGs -- has an effective date of April 9, 2001. This regulation applies to new grants awarded after April 9, 2001 and it may be applied to currently active PPGs if agreed to in writing by the Regional Administrator and the recipient. The effective date for the Tribal Part 35 Rule pertaining to Tribal Grants is April 17, 2001.


Other EPA Grant Links:

Grants and Fellowship Information
Sustainable Development Challenge Grants
Other Grant Offerings for Governments


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