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NHQI Archives

This section contains links to reports and evaluations related to the Nursing Home Quality initiative (NHQI), as well as an archive of other information, data, and events that, while no longer current, may be of value to consumers, health care providers, QIOs, researchers and others.

Topics found here relate to nursing home quality measures and data, patient perspectives on care, nursing home demonstrations, and public reporting. The following archived zipped files are available downloads:

  • Year 2006 archive contains Nursing Home Vaccination Quality Measures User's Manual Supplement describes nursing home influenza and pneumococcal quality measures developed after the minimum data set added vaccination items in October 2006.
  • Year 2005 archive contains Design and Validation of Post-Acute Care Quality Measures Final Report and Appendices including the validation database used, details the methods used to choose the post-acute measures for validation, and the validation analyses and the Final Report from the Development of Staffing Quality Measures Phase I. Additionally, historical information is also available for the second phase of the Data Assessment and Verification (DAVE2) project, which reviewed the accuracy and reliability Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment data. Finally, the Measures, Indicators, and Improvement of Quality of Life (QOL) in Nursing Homes Final Report from a multi-State nursing home study includes Volume 1 containing the design, measures, indicators and recommendations and Volume 2 containing questionnaires, interview protocols, and related materials.
  • Year 2004 archive contains nursing home quality progress report, nursing home action plan, nursing home quality improvement press release, 2004 user's manual, snapshot quality measures definitions and staffing quality measures stakeholders meeting documents.
  • Year 2003 archive contains the NHQI overview summary, the final report entitled Validation of Long-term and Post-Acute Care Quality Indicators with Appendices A-M, the Covariate Analysis and Recommendations with attachments 1-13,  the 2003 users manual, quality measures quarterly parameters and the National Quality Forum Press Release endorsing the NHQI performance measures. Finally, the national Nursing Home Quality Initiative (NHQI) overview, which was launched on November 12, 2002, describes the available consumer information about the quality of nursing home care by providing a set of minimum data set based quality measures on Medicare's Nursing Home Compare web site, and provider quality of care clinical resources, quality improvement materials, and assistance provided through Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) in every state.
  • Year 2002 archive contains files including the pilot test users manual, comparison tables of CHSRA quality indicators and publicly reported quality measures, national technical manual and additional technical information about specific clinical quality measures, quality measure selection criteria, NHQI 6-State Pilot executive summary, preliminary report, evaluation and final report entitled Identification and Evaluation of Existing Quality Indicators that are Appropriate for Use in Long-Term Care Settings, Pilot.

Note: The data from previous years of Nursing Home Compare is now available. Please see Related Links Inside CMS section below.

Year 2006 Archive [ZIP 70 KB]

Year 2005 Archive [ZIP 6 MB]

Year 2004 Archive [ZIP 1 MB]

Year 2003 Archive [ZIP 2.3 MB]

Year 2002 Archive [ZIP 2.3 MB]
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Archived NH Compare Data
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